Siberian flowers for the Spring Festival

Plants are one of the foundations of life on earth. Plants transform the energy of the sun into vast quantities of organic matter, and provide oxygen for breathing.

Siberian flowers for the Spring Festival

But apart from their priceless life properties, plants, and flowers in particular, make this world insanely beautiful. Look at lifeless orange Mars, red-hot Venus. Only we, the inhabitants of Earth, have access to such beauty. Only we are able to contemplate huge natural landscapes, decorated with countless plants.

Siberia is covered in snow for 6 months a year. Green grass can be seen 4-5 months a year, the rest of the time it’s just cold. Despite this abundance of cold, Siberia’s nature is very diverse.

Siberian flowers for the Spring Festival

In late spring and summer, nature is in a hurry. Snowdrops and honeydew appear in the forests first. In late May, fields are covered in a yellow carpet of dandelions. June sees the appearance of curly lilies, gingerbread (Asiatica), and cuckoo’s boots (the lady’s slipper). It should be noted that in Pribaikalye the lady’s slipper orchid is a delicate white and burgundy colour. In other regions of Russia the colour is yellow and burgundy. The rose hips are covered with beautiful flowers.

Siberian flowers for the Spring Festival

Nearer to autumn, locusts, iris and other late bloomers appear. In flowerbeds and dachas, skillful women grow a variety of flowers, from peonies to roses.

Unfortunately, no flowers have appeared yet for the Spring Festival on March 8. But that’s no reason to get upset. Here you can see wild and garden flowers which grow in Siberia. Enjoy the view!

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